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I must sound like a broken record at this point, but I have to admit…the winter blues are hitting me exxxxtra hard these days.  I’m (still) cleaning out and rearranging my apartment, and the lack of serenity at home has been making my brain feel all scrambled up.  Does anyone else relate inner peace to outside surroundings?  I decided to escape the house for some relaxation to start this busy week…FullSizeRender 28

On Monday night, MW and I attended a group meditation at Better Off.  This pretty little space is dedicated to reducing dependence on technology and relocating the lost art of human experience through reflection and the creation of real artifacts.  Cell phones locked away in a special safe for the full “uncoupling” experience (though I’m not sure I’m attached enough to my phone to require such deliberate separation tactics- but that’s a topic for another post), we nestled into a circle of simple chairs and together the small group practiced mindful meditation.  We were guided through a slow scan of the body, lead with gentle cues centered around an awareness of our physical presence in the space.

Paying such close attention to the sensations of my idle body was a completely new experience for me.  Being such an active person, it’s rare that I actually acknowledge the feeling of dormancy.  What a concept.  Cars zipping down Broadway and happy Grange-goers stumbling past, I felt myself detaching from the constant cycle of thoughts bouncing in my mind and instead truly observing the moment.  I am here.  This is now.  My right foot feels achy, my hands feel heavy, my heart feels steady.  Intentional and calm for once, my breath keeps it all churning.  It’s the only thing changing, my body remains still and the air moves in, through, and out as something different, transformed by my “inactive” body’s rather remarkable routine.  The whole experience was completely restorative.  So, in the spirit of the Better Off mission, some creative and tech-free artifacts I’m enjoying this week…

these paintbrushesDSC07538…because MW and I finally get to start our watercoloring class tonight, and also they fit so perfectly in this pouch (a repurposed cheese knife sheath from a special someone).

this coffee table crateIMG_7277…because it’s packed with a constant rotation of candles and books and inspirational goodness.

this stack of doiliesDSC07555…because February crafts. (!)

this tiny pillowDSC07561…because I knew Jacob would appreciate the artsy joke.  Heh heh.

this bedside setupDSC07514…because it feels fresh and February-appropriate (dead flowers and all).

this garlandDSC07529 (1)…because T and I made it 3 years ago at Mudsy’s and it tugs at the heartstrings (please excuse that awful pun).


first two photos via Better Off.