fringe, fries, and toe shoes

Rehearsal days, movie nights, new hair, hot toddies, pomme frites…October, you’ve been good to me. Oh, did I mention I have a show this weekend?

I can hardly believe it’s almost time to get on stage again after 8 months of hiatus. Since I can remember, I have always loved performing. While I am not the type to love being the center of attention in a social setting, I have never shied away from the spotlight on stage.

In this place, under the lights and over satin shoes, I have always felt at home.

There’s some magic in live performance. It’s the perfect cocktail of pressure and freedom, the need to peak onstage and the knowledge that doing so doesn’t actually matter. To lean into whatever you are feeling that moment and let the rehearsal process speak through you, this is what matters. Leaving everything you have there. On the stage, with the people, somewhere hanging in the air amongst the echoes of the last few chords…

Life lately has been such a beautiful balance of falling back in love with PVD* via wining and dining, and dancing my booty off in the studio. Man, it feels good to be back there, working with some of my colleagues and creating new things once again.

This weekend’s show is at the Zeiterion Drive-In Theater (I know!) at 3pm on Sunday, if you’re inclined to come by and see…

*Not that we ever lost our spark, but it’s so nice to feel wooed by her once again as the leaves sing their autumn song and restaurants find creative ways to keep us dining outdoors- shout out to Hot Club for hosting Halloween movie nights every Wednesday this month!

5 thoughts on “fringe, fries, and toe shoes

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