book release: september first!

pinkie L

i am so excited to announce that #thesilhouetteinside will be officially released september 1, 2020! it’s been such a labor of love this past year, and a thrill to have you along on the journey the past few weeks.

stay tuned for a COVER REVEAL coming very soon (wink) and preorder details (hint, perks) to follow!

pop the champagne!

Get your champagne flutes ready, folks, I have some exciting news for you!  Yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised with an email from the WordPress Team, notifying me that my post, “Paper Thin”, has been chosen to be featured on the Freshly Pressed Wordpress homepage…(pause for applause)…

I honestly could not be more thrilled and honored to have my blog being represented on such a large scale, especially since WordPress is the only site through which my blog is promoted (there was a brief stint with a Facebook fanpage, but my nerves got the better of me and that was the end of that).  I would like to personally thank all of my readers for your support, as well as the WordPress Team for selecting my post for your feature!  I am so very grateful to be a part of this blogging community.

To celebrate, I think I’ll go for a nice hardy run in the burning heat.  Wooooo.  Hope you all have something a bit more glamorous planned for your Saturday! xx