

What do you do when you’re stuck on the couch with a sore back, there is nothing on tv, you’re all out of cereal and all of your friends have left the house?  You begin a crafternoon party of one.  Today I made a wide selection of wire jewelry using some pliers, patience and bit of dexterity.  I’m actually rather impressed with how the above “love” bracelet turned out…ample alone time at home does have some perks.  Happy Sunday, all!

diy: dolce & gabbana-inspired corsage cuff

When I saw this DIY tutorial on Honestly…WTF, I instantly fell in love with the Baroque style, romantic/gothic mash-up of beauty that is the Dolce & Gabbana tiara.  I knew I wanted to somehow replicate this look myself, so my cousin and I paid a little visit to the craft store, where we wandered around until closing time searching for the little ceramic roses you see above.  We also found some blank silver cuffs and thought, “Flowers, rhinestones and pearls on our wrists?  Sounds like one fancy corsage!”  And (several months later), the craft party has begun…

You will need:

A plain metal cuff, pre-set rhinestones, flat-bottomed pearls of various sizes, small ceramic roses (try searching ceramic flowers on etsy), and some type of jewelry glue (I used Jewel-It, but I’m not sure it’s the best quality out there).

Start by applying a small dab of glue to a rhinestone, flower, or pearl, spreading it in a light layer with the nose of the bottle and carefully pressing it onto the cuff.  Hold for a few seconds and allow to dry.  I started off my cuff with a flower in the center, then worked my way out from there with alternating rhinestones.

Next I added a few small peals and different colored flowers building outwards from the center.

I added the most beads in the center of the bracelet surrounding the middle flower, then added some smaller tearshaped rhinestones to the ends to create length.

For the finishing touch, I added two decreasingly smaller pearls to each end.

For the smallest pearls, I used a pair of tweezers to handle and glue…it was much easier that way!  And there you have it, a Dolce & Gabbana-inspired corsage cuff!  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

The ultimate armswag, if I may say so myself…