Running On Air

As my third and final week of spring break (read: almost a month of unpaid vacation) proceeds, I find myself anxiously itching to get back in the studio.  While several weeks of layoff throughout the season are to be expected in a ballet company, these three consecutive weeks have left my body feeling strangely underworked.  I’m desperately missing the incomparable quench that is achieved only by beginning one’s day with company class.  My now-rested brain searches for the challenge of tackling new choreography, my heart misses the comfort of my colleagues and friends, and (oddly enough) my legs and feet long for that specific breed of torture defined only by  a day packed with rehearsals.  Fortunately for me, these recently estranged aspects of ballet life that I more often than not greet with familiar, informal salutation will soon return to my daily routine with a vengeance.  In two week’s time, my shell-shocked muscles will be rudely awakened to the intense reality that is Swan Lake…

Oh, did I mention we’re closing the season with Swan Lake? ONLY MY FAVORITE BALLET EVER.  Yup.  I might be a liiiittle excited.

{photo above: my partner Ian and I performing George Birkhadze’s My Sorrow}


Just a few quick words of wisdom for you all on this chilly Friday night, reminding us to always roll with the punches (it will only make you stronger and wiser), take each day one step at a time, and seize every fleeting opportunity- you never know what could come of it.  Life can be messy, but it’s only up to us to recognize it as the gift it truly is.  Sometimes we get caught up in our own internal debates, forgetting how our actions can change the course of another’s life.

Tomorrow’s challenge?  Take time to notice all the good things in your day- even if it’s just the softness of your squishy new slippers.  Smile at a stranger.  Chances are their spirits will be instantly lifted.  Vocalize your kind thoughts.  Do you know that warm fuzzy feeling that flows through your toes when someone tells you they adore your new haircut?  Pass that warm fuzzy on by externalizing any and all positivity you feel inside yourself.  It will only boost you up higher, I promise.  Don’t believe me?  Give it a try!

I’m busybusybusy these days, but I just wanted to pop in to wish everyone the cheeriest of weekends…and oh yes, HAPPY MARCH!


Let’s Get Physical

As the end of 2011 becomes eminent and the new year quickly approaches, the universal process of creating resolutions for the year ahead begins.  Because my Christmas celebrations always seem to revolve around eating, consequently each January my new year’s resolutions include promises to “stick to that diet!” and “sweat daily”.  Since the holiday celebrations proved to be especially glutenous this season (mmmm apple pie and mashed potatoes…ew no, not at the same time), I’ve decided to start following some resolutions a little early this year.  For a little inspiration…