chapter 2

For a few years, I haven’t felt much like filling this space of the internet with my writing.

I am realizing now that this wasn’t stemming from a lack of a desire to write, but instead as a result of not being completely honest with myself. My life as a dancer had begun to feel stagnant. I was living in a creative loop, keeping myself busy in sameness for fear of what change might bring. I couldn’t seem to disrupt the cycle of my dancer routine.

Wake up, take class, rehearse, repeat. This was my life as I knew it for over a decade. In the same studio for more than two. It was home. Until it wasn’t…

Two months ago, I took a big leap, quit my job and moved to New York City with no real plan. And suddenly, I feel like writing here again.

Something about this crazy, confusing, currently inconsistent new chapter has me craving this open space to document. I think it’s because I feel like I am finally being honest with myself again, even if it means not knowing exactly what it is I’m saying as an artist or as a person. I suddenly feel like talking again.

So if you’ve been here throughout the many stops and starts of this blogging journey, thank you for your patience. I hope this new chapter can find us sharing more thoughts on living creatively and feeling fully.

Welcome back, readers. Here comes Chapter 2…

photos by James Jin.