this is where you belong


One of my favorite artists, Sufjan Stevens, recently released a new album (which I wasted no time in downloading), and it’s got me all kinds of inspired.  If you’re unfamiliar with Stevens, first click this link to my all-time favorite song, and listen along while I give you a bit of background on the man, the myth, the legend… Continue reading

tea story

Man, if tea could talk, it would sure have a lot to say…and it would be very wise.  Luckily, the geniuses behind Yogi tea provide each little baggy with its own scroll to relay their message.  This morning’s tea wisdom is reminding me to soak up time with the people I love, and support them when they’re in need.  I will definitely be keeping this anecdote in mind today, perhaps a bit more than I should (I have this habit of over-analyzing, redistributing meaning, scrambling up in my brain, you know how it goes…), but what better way to spend your Sunday than endlessly pondering the meaning of love?  WOAH weren’t expecting me to get so deep on you, huh?!  Sometimes I just need to unleash my inner-Socrates on all of you.  And today, my morning tea message somehow gave me the boost I needed to do it.

What about all of you, young grasshoppers, how do you use the first few hours of your day to harness inspiration?

what lies ahead

Sometimes life can drag you down.

People are habitual by nature.  We get hung up on the past, encasing ourselves in a repetitive circular motion in which all spaces of time become our present and we lose touch with the moment.  Today becomes yesterday before tomorrow even has the chance to rise and shine.

Want an attainable goal for this week?  Move forward in a positive direction.  Break the time-warping cycle and view your life as an open road in which the past is left behind you, the future is almost recognizable on the horizon and you become consumed by the nature of the present.

Spring Forward

MSGM / Pre-Fall 2012

It’s that time of year again!  Last night we switched over our clocks (unless you’re like me, and never “fell back” in the fall, then your clocks are finally caught up!), and lost a whole hour in the day.  I suppose this is a fair enough exchange for the entire bonus day we got at the end of the month (February 29- leap year woo!).  Either way, I’m taking Mother Nautre’s newest hour-snatching as a sign to get out there and gobble up the first signs of Spring.  I’m off to a day of antiquing, manicures, and sunshine.  In the meantime, I’ll be lusting over this ahhhdorable MSGM bubble mini (above) and I will leave you with these words of wisdom:



Just a few quick words of wisdom for you all on this chilly Friday night, reminding us to always roll with the punches (it will only make you stronger and wiser), take each day one step at a time, and seize every fleeting opportunity- you never know what could come of it.  Life can be messy, but it’s only up to us to recognize it as the gift it truly is.  Sometimes we get caught up in our own internal debates, forgetting how our actions can change the course of another’s life.

Tomorrow’s challenge?  Take time to notice all the good things in your day- even if it’s just the softness of your squishy new slippers.  Smile at a stranger.  Chances are their spirits will be instantly lifted.  Vocalize your kind thoughts.  Do you know that warm fuzzy feeling that flows through your toes when someone tells you they adore your new haircut?  Pass that warm fuzzy on by externalizing any and all positivity you feel inside yourself.  It will only boost you up higher, I promise.  Don’t believe me?  Give it a try!

I’m busybusybusy these days, but I just wanted to pop in to wish everyone the cheeriest of weekends…and oh yes, HAPPY MARCH!
