g r o u n d e d

Theatre week has officially begun!  We were at The Vets until 10 pm last night for the first of many teching, testing, spacing, and dressing rehearsals before Friday’s opening. Swanning about night after night promises to be quite exhausting.  I’m feeling grateful for what’s keeping me grounded between flights, a few fresh things around my home:

this little sprig…IMG_1102…because bell flowers should always reside next to bell garlands.

this embroidered sleeve…IMG_1106…because it’s attached to a new jacket that makes me feel like the coolest lady ever.

this envelope…IMG_1103…for being wall-worthy.

this little group of matches…IMG_1096…because I’ve been separating my collection into minis, and it feels surprisingly new.

these flowers in a tall beaker…IMG_1105…because PEONY SEASON!

this powerhouse granola…IMG_1099…because it was “accidentally” left behind by a sneaky manfriend (plus it’s the most colorful and delicious* granola option in PVD).

these mossy friends…IMG_1098…for breathing some springy life into my bathroom counter after a little chop and some fresh water.

this little bit of lace…IMG_1095…because it was a spontaneous purchase and I do not regret it one bit.

this invitation…IMG_1104…because it’s not every day one of your oldest friends gets married- with an invitation as beautiful as her friendship to accompany the occasion (and yes, this will also be clipped up on the wall.  if anyone knows how to resist taking decorational advantage of beautiful script, a vintage ribbon and an actual leaf, please, don’t tell me!)


*verity of this statement to be determined…stay tuned…



Hello, friends!  Just wanted to share a few photos from the tea and cocktail party I hosted over the weekend.  As a lover of tea and tiny snacks, I’ve been looking for an excuse to throw a, uh, semi-pretentious party of sorts for a while now, and with my birthday, Valentine’s Day, and my recent apartment overhaul coming to fruition all within the same week, Sunday seemed the perfect time to invite some friends over to partake.  There were finger sandwiches, old fashioneds, and teeny Tatte cookies.  T even baked me a cake!  Though my apron somehow managed to stay tied to my waist the entire night, I was thrilled to be able to go tights-free in my dress for the day, warmed by the rising temps, the warm jasmine tea, and the bestest of friends.  Woof, that got cheesy real fast.  Better sign off before I go full-on Boursin…


You can tell a lot about a person by taking a look at what they keep next to their bed.  After stumbling upon several photos of different nightstand setups on Lonny Magazine the other night (classic sleep-procrastination technique),  I realized just how much personality actually goes into such a small few square feet of space in one’s home.  While I’m constantly in the process of giving my bedroom a little facelift, right now it finally seems to be coming together a bit and I can’t help but crave a nightstand-makeover to tie it all together.  I’m thinking fresh flowers, a framed bit of nostalgia and a dainty little bowl of jewelry should do the trick.

What does your beside-the-bed-bureau look like?

lately i’m loving

Just a little roundup of some things I’m loving lately: the entire outfit in the first photo, signs that say hello, love, and goodbye all in one word, Kate Middleton and her gorgeous sparkly butterfly-esque dress and impecable hair, a pink couch with black and white pillows, summer hat and smooth hair, miley and liam looking glamorous, & ribbon streamers making mix-matched chairs instantly festive.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!  Unless of course it’s stormy where you are, in which case you should continue surfing USA the interwebs.  Whatever’s clever.  Xo.