the summer of…

For some reason, I have this strange way of categorizing each passing season according to what I was most “into” at that time. This can span from trends, to music, to books…anything really.  I never quite noticed this strange habit until my roommate recently said, “This is the summer of Flowerbomb and Jason Mraz.”  That’s when it really hit me.  I realized I can look back on my past and recall the summer of McDonald’s vanilla cones or the winter of Special K Fruit & Yogurt and Burberry Brit (yes, most of these categories do revolve around food).  So, without further ado, I give you this summer, the summer of…viktor&rolf flowerbomb perfume that I’ve yet to cave and purchase (thank goodness for Nordstrom’s free samples)embellished friendship bracelets like these I spotted at anthrothese amazingly comfortable and also bracelet-worthy hair tieswanded hair.  enough said.pastel pink nailsmy givenchy bag.  really, need I say more here?froyo world. maybe I should be ashamed of how many times I’ve waited in that long line. but I’ m just not.

The Civil Wars.  I just keep hitting repe(pe, pe, pe)peat.  The key is to watch them while they perform.  Magical.denim shirt(sssssss).  I have a mildly dangerous obsession.  can’t stop buying them.  no matter “how hard I try”…it’s been a real struggle, let me tell you.

Jason Mraz’s “You F*ckn Did It”. This song is just too good. LISTEN. please?

Nantucket: Part I

My first ever visit to Nantucket Island was an official success!  Although the weather didn’t quite cooperate the whole time (so upset we never made it to the beach!), we did a smashing job hitting the shops and seeing the sights.  Not only did I collect a fair amount of pretty souvenirs, but I also brought home a loooovely food baby.  I am how am I suppose to resist all of the delicious sea food and those to die for smoothies at Juice Bar? (Seriously, if you ever get to the island, GO TO JUICE BAR and ORDER THE STRAWBERRY BLISS SMOOTHIE.  You. Will. Die. In a good way.)  Waking up at 3:15 am to embark on this voyage was totally worth it- yes, that is a sunrise in the first photo.  I can’t wait to fill you in more about the trip, but for now it’s time to write a persuasive speech for my public speaking class and bookmark some good workout videos for later!  Happy Monday.

all packed up!

Guess what guess what guess whaaaat?!?!!  Tonight at 3:30 am, I will begin my journey to Nantucket Island!  Can you tell I’m a little bit excited?!  I spent nearly an hour yesterday attempting to pick and choose which pieces to bring and which to leave behind.  Since I’m only going for 4 days, my giant stack of 8 dresses may seem like overkill, but it’s good to have options right?!  I won’t sit here and pretend to be a packing expert or give you any sage wisdom on how to create the ideal selection to fill your suitcase, but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve…

1. Know your vacation.  Think of the activities you’ll be taking part in (beach, shopping, fancy dinners, shows, etc.) and bring outfits that are appropriate for each.

2.  Bring what you’re comfortable in.  Don’t try to put together crazy new ensembles on a trip.  Wear the outfits you already love- I guarantee in an unfamiliar place they will feel brand new!

3. Coordinate colors.  This one can be a bit tough, especially during the summertime when brights and prints are staples in your wardrobe, but it will make putting together outfits so much easier, plus it allows you to mix and match depending on your mood that day- so much better than packing cookie-cutter outfits!

4. Edit.  I like to lay my junk all out on my bed before actually packing it into the suitcase.  This way, you can go through and count how many of each type of clothing you’ve chosen, edit the ones you don’t think you’ll end up wearing (this is where you need to be ruthless!), and pack just the essentials.

That’s it!  Those are all my packing tips, I hope this helps with any of your future weekend getaway preparations!

See you all after the weekend! x


Sometimes when I’m surfing Instagram, I find a photo I love so much that I have to take a screenshot of my phone.  This leaves me with a lovely little collection of insta-screenshots that make me smile whenever I see them.  Remembering the notion that “sharing is caring”, I thought I would start a new type of post in which I share these little gems with you.

Enter Instaluvin.  Brought to you by my instagram obsession and my love of the iPhone’s ability to photogram its own screen.

So what do you think?  Are youuu instaluvin?  Yay or nay?

5 piano guys, one piano

I just found this awesome video of 5 piano-experts playing their rendition of one of my favorite guilty-pleasure songs, One Direction’s What Makes You Beautiful.  How cool are they?!  So much skill!  I am sufficiently jealous and currently kicking myself in the foot for quitting my piano lessons when I was younger…

But I suppose since they were impeding my availability for more ballet classes, I made the right decision…right? Right?!?

the loo

Les toilettes, watercloset, washroom, powder room, privy.  Sometimes while I’m in the shower I find myself day-dreaming of  the gorgeous bathrooms of my imagination.  They all include elegant tiling, light airy color schemes, and quirky personal touches.  I love when bathrooms feature little nods at nature, like a bird print or fresh flowers (brings a whole new meaning to the expression, “Nature calls!”).  I also love displaying pretty towels in interesting ways, and keeping things like cotton balls, q-tips and toothbrushes in unexpected vessels.  My dream bathroom is feminine and light, with juxtaposing structural elements like clean and simple framed art and modern hardware.

What does your ideal bathroom include?

watching the tide roll away

On Saturday, Tegan and I travelled out to Jamestown for a day of sun, dock jumping, boats, and badmitten.  If you’ve never been to Jamestown, RI, GO.  It’s an absolutely beautiful town full of gorgeous nautical houses and sailboats.  To me, it’s little coastal towns like these that define Rhode Island summer living.  Pure.  Bliss.

a good day.

When you wake up in crisp, brand new white sheets and new fluffy pillows to the sound of rain outside your open windows after sleeping in until 10, you know it’s going to be a good day.

I decided to make the most of this positive omen by heading to the RISD art museum downtown with Tegan.  We parked right outside the front entrance.  This simply does not happen in downtown providence.  Ever.  Guess what happened then?  The roomie and I flashed our snazzy unlaminated Providence College id’s, and we got in FO. FREE.  I know, I know, it was awesome.  We checked out some cool contemporary installations and hung out with the giant Buddah before leaving to check out the new Teas & Javas cafe in Wayland Square.  The ultra-hip lounge is a coffee shop/bar hybrid, as well as a hotspot for 95% of Providence’s hipster population (cute bike-riding boys with cuffed jeans and nice hair? bonus!).  It was opened in conjunction with Wayland Square’s Alex and Ani store and is owned by the husband of the jewelry line’s designer.  On our way back to the car, we noticed our favorite home goods store, Butterfield was having a sale!  So we picked up this adorable little white heart bowl (for $8!) and I scored this pretty floral makeup bag (for $11!), which I can’t wait to pack up with toiletries and take to Nantucket Island next weekend!  Yep, I said it, Nantucket Island next weekend!!! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)  On that excited note, I better get back to my informative speech-writing…ugh this public speaking class is wearing on me.  Happy Sunday, chickens!


{what I wore: AE denim cutoffs, denim polka-dot shirt, old scarf, RayBan wayfarers, }

{what I ate: the famous Hope Street Pizza greek salad with chicken}{where we went: downtown to Kennedy Plaza to watch the FBP summer intensive students rehearse for their showcase}

Yesterday was a good day.  I went to ballet class, had one of my favorite salads for lunch, rocked a new denim shirt from Anthropologie (I braved the whole denim on denim ensemble- how edgy am I?!), did my best Rosie the Riveter impression, and watched an adorable little future-ballerina practicing her pirouettes alongside the ladies of the FBP summer intensive program as they rehearsed downtown for their finale showcase.  Luckily, the heatwave has finally subsided (bring on the thunderstorms!) and life actually seems livable once again.  Every other sentence out of my mouth is no longer a complaint about the sticky, sweaty, humid state of my body and the air around it, woohoo, this is progress people!

At the downtown rehearsal, this one little cutie wanted IN on the ballet.  She was twirling, kneeling down, and at one point even laying down on the ground…doing as “the big girls” do.  My mom pointed out the fact that I used to do this exact same thing when I was young, dancing for a crowd whenever the opportunity arose.  I guess if you’re ballerina at heart, it becomes obvious at a young age.  DAaaawwwwww, getting so sentimental on you all!  Better stop while I’m ahead…Happy Friday, lovies!  Have a fantastic weekend.

a hair story

Two years ago when I started writing this blog, I had recently chopped 7 inches off my hair.  You could say it was an act of pure hair-injustice.  The crime was committed under compromised emotional circumstances, and although I had been contemplating a chop for some time, I somehow chose the exact wrong day and time to acquire it.  When I was little, I was known for growing my hair down to my hips, then lopping it all off into a chin-length bob.  I was totally fearless back then.  But 2 years ago when I decided to rock a short haircut for the first time since elementary school, my fearless ways escaped me.  My hair was gone, and so was my confidence.  I just didn’t feel like me.{right after the legendary chop}{rocking the shaggy shoulder-length bob at my sister’s wedding}

That was two whole years ago.  Now here I am, long hair fully reinstated, and feeling an empirical freedom.  You see, the general thinking is that (especially in hot summer months) a long, thick mane is difficult to maintain, leaving the wearer distressed, frustrated, and likely on the sweaty side.  But in my experience, having long hair frees you.  Long locks lend themselves to styling and experimenting far more easily than their curtailed counterparts.  Enter the insane collection of hair styling inspiration I’ve compounded over the past few months…

From beach waves, to long layers, to intricate braids and literal “hair bows“, my extensive selection of hair ideas gets bigger and better every day.  And my hair just gets longer and longer too!{feeling so much more “me” with my long locks (& doing my best victoria’s secret angel impression) at the black and white gala}
{trying my hand at the whole wavy-hair thing}

Needless to say, after crying for months about the loss of my lengthy ‘do, the wise words of encouragement given to me by friends and family (who also tried to convince me that my short hair was actually a good look- I wasn’t buying it!) really do ring true: “It’s just hair, it will grow back.”  And it did.