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Wow.  It’s only been two weeks since my last post, but I swear I’ve jammed an entire summer’s worth of projects into those 14 days and nights.  Since we last spoke I filmed a music video, moved into a new home, spent 2 days modeling (read: twirling) for MAC cosmetics, celebrated the first beach day of the season accordingly (see first photo), and participated in another photoshoot for Unique Gifts By Vilia.  There is so much to share, I’m just going to work through it all in reverse order.

We’ll begin with this past weekend’s adventure on the scenic Cliff Walk of Newport, RI, where I spent the evening strolling, giggling and modeling the day away with the multi-talented Vilia and some truly fantastic friends.  I’m still not very comfortable in front of the lens, but the behind the scenes fun always makes it well worth my pose-a-phobia!  Exhibit A: As we munched on our post-photoshoot picnic and watched the sun set over First Beach, a salty breeze swirled around my face, kissing my ears with its happy summer song and I was reminded why I love this pretty little Ocean State of ours.unique3 photo 2 photo 3unique2 photo 4 unique10463995_523489091089267_2013835002123263991_nphoto 4

first,sixth and seventh photos by Vilia Putrius

the ballerina collection

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My all-time favorite jewelry brand, Catbird, has just launched a new line of dainty earrings and bracelets inspired by ballet.  Each “long, lean, and graceful” piece evokes the delicate nature of a prima ballerina.  Checking out the collection in their charming store in Williamsburg the other day, I immediately pictured each and every piece with pointe shoes and a bun.  I’d had my eye on the opal teardrop ring (pictured below) for quite some time, so none of the ballerina-suited baubles came home with me this time, but now I’m really lusting over those rose gold “barre” earrings and the matching barre bracelet.

I did pick up the opal ring and also a rose gold threadbare for my pointer finger…


…and I’m loving the way they look with the turquoise ring my boyfriend bought me at one of my favorite boutiques in Paris.  Oh and with the lovely tan line on my middle finger…ha.  Happy Sunday!



What do you do when you’re stuck on the couch with a sore back, there is nothing on tv, you’re all out of cereal and all of your friends have left the house?  You begin a crafternoon party of one.  Today I made a wide selection of wire jewelry using some pliers, patience and bit of dexterity.  I’m actually rather impressed with how the above “love” bracelet turned out…ample alone time at home does have some perks.  Happy Sunday, all!

frost yourself

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Twinkle, twinkle little star…how I wonder what you are…underneath my chin so bright…like a necklace worn day and night…

Can you tell I’m day dreaming of chunky vintage rhinestones today (necklaces in particular)?  Yeah, I thought so.  I can’t help it; I just love the way they look juxtaposed with casual fabrics, like a cotton tee or a plaid button down.  Is it acceptable to make purchasing one of these beauties a new year’s resolution?


dannijo studio

I’ve been lusting over Daniele and Jodie Snyder’s entire label, Dannijo, since the moment I saw The Man Repeller, Leandra Medine, sporting one of their adorable “collar” chockers.  Since then, Leandra has teamed up with Daniele and Jodie to create the sub label MR Dannijo, the brand as a whole has exploded in popularity, and I’m still just drooling from afar.  Luckily for me, Sara of Collage Vintage posted some behind-the-scenes photos of the Dannijo Showroom in the Meatpacking District of NYC.  Take a look! (Caution: May produce excess salivating)


{what I wore: AE denim cutoffs, denim polka-dot shirt, old scarf, RayBan wayfarers, }

{what I ate: the famous Hope Street Pizza greek salad with chicken}{where we went: downtown to Kennedy Plaza to watch the FBP summer intensive students rehearse for their showcase}

Yesterday was a good day.  I went to ballet class, had one of my favorite salads for lunch, rocked a new denim shirt from Anthropologie (I braved the whole denim on denim ensemble- how edgy am I?!), did my best Rosie the Riveter impression, and watched an adorable little future-ballerina practicing her pirouettes alongside the ladies of the FBP summer intensive program as they rehearsed downtown for their finale showcase.  Luckily, the heatwave has finally subsided (bring on the thunderstorms!) and life actually seems livable once again.  Every other sentence out of my mouth is no longer a complaint about the sticky, sweaty, humid state of my body and the air around it, woohoo, this is progress people!

At the downtown rehearsal, this one little cutie wanted IN on the ballet.  She was twirling, kneeling down, and at one point even laying down on the ground…doing as “the big girls” do.  My mom pointed out the fact that I used to do this exact same thing when I was young, dancing for a crowd whenever the opportunity arose.  I guess if you’re ballerina at heart, it becomes obvious at a young age.  DAaaawwwwww, getting so sentimental on you all!  Better stop while I’m ahead…Happy Friday, lovies!  Have a fantastic weekend.

diy: dolce & gabbana-inspired corsage cuff

When I saw this DIY tutorial on Honestly…WTF, I instantly fell in love with the Baroque style, romantic/gothic mash-up of beauty that is the Dolce & Gabbana tiara.  I knew I wanted to somehow replicate this look myself, so my cousin and I paid a little visit to the craft store, where we wandered around until closing time searching for the little ceramic roses you see above.  We also found some blank silver cuffs and thought, “Flowers, rhinestones and pearls on our wrists?  Sounds like one fancy corsage!”  And (several months later), the craft party has begun…

You will need:

A plain metal cuff, pre-set rhinestones, flat-bottomed pearls of various sizes, small ceramic roses (try searching ceramic flowers on etsy), and some type of jewelry glue (I used Jewel-It, but I’m not sure it’s the best quality out there).

Start by applying a small dab of glue to a rhinestone, flower, or pearl, spreading it in a light layer with the nose of the bottle and carefully pressing it onto the cuff.  Hold for a few seconds and allow to dry.  I started off my cuff with a flower in the center, then worked my way out from there with alternating rhinestones.

Next I added a few small peals and different colored flowers building outwards from the center.

I added the most beads in the center of the bracelet surrounding the middle flower, then added some smaller tearshaped rhinestones to the ends to create length.

For the finishing touch, I added two decreasingly smaller pearls to each end.

For the smallest pearls, I used a pair of tweezers to handle and glue…it was much easier that way!  And there you have it, a Dolce & Gabbana-inspired corsage cuff!  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

The ultimate armswag, if I may say so myself…

armswag: arm candy edition

(hair tie from Wink, sparkle wrap bracelet aso from Wink, David Yurman cuff, evil eye seed bead bracelet from April Daze, Leif beaded bracelet, friendship bracelet made by moi, Alex & Ani anchor bracelet, birthday present from my besties)

I feel that this round of armswag requires a little explanation.  You see, it’s not every day I coat my wrist in obnoxiously bright and sparkly bracelets…my outfit was as follows: white button down, white shorts, denim shirt.  Blah, blah, neutral, blah.  So I jazzed it up with an arm party that couldNOT be ignored.

lately i’m lovin

new crochet pieces for summer, my impressive collection of ballet books (all thanks to my wonderful gma), my delicate new david yurman cuff (congratulations swan lake gift from mom <3), wildflower painted denim cutoffs from american eagle, new digs: lucky brand wedges (SO comfy) & frye “podiatrist-approved” sandals, pretty new printed Joie tops

for me, from me

I’ve been obsessing over Catbird‘s super delicate alphabet rings ever since spotting them on HonestlyWTF.  I have an old, teeny silver knot ring that never leaves my left hand (it’s lucky), and while I do have a rather impressive collection of chunkier, beautifully stone-clad, special occasion rings, I thought it might be nice for the teeny knot to have a teeny friend.  Enter this Catbird heart ring.  I toyed with the idea of purchasing initials, and decided they are better suited for girl’s sporting their significant other’s initials, don’t you think?  Much more sentimental than reminding everyone that my name begins with a “k” every time they look at my hand (although the little lowercase letters are darling).  But instead, I opted for the classic heart.  I love it SO much and can’t wait to begin a collection of these ulta-stackable wisps of rings!

(ps, yes I did opt for the free gift wrapping…I figured when you’re treating yourself, you might as well go all out, right? ;)