lately i’m loving

Just a little roundup of some things I’m loving lately: the entire outfit in the first photo, signs that say hello, love, and goodbye all in one word, Kate Middleton and her gorgeous sparkly butterfly-esque dress and impecable hair, a pink couch with black and white pillows, summer hat and smooth hair, miley and liam looking glamorous, & ribbon streamers making mix-matched chairs instantly festive.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!  Unless of course it’s stormy where you are, in which case you should continue surfing USA the interwebs.  Whatever’s clever.  Xo.

colors underfoot

While spending FAR too long surfing around Lonny Magazine’s online decor archive, I realized how much I love the look of an all-white room broken up only by a colorful oriental rug.  Hmmm, something to keep in mind while decorating the new place…that I still have yet to find…

Happy Friday, chickidees!

it was a good toe

While looking through tagged pictures from Facebook’s past, I stumbled upon this screenshot taken by my roommate.  It’s a snippet of a conversation we were having a few months ago as I was sat in the podiatrist’s office, waiting to undergo some slightly painful toe-prodding as a temporary fix for my ballerina problems:

It’s strangely funny to look back now on my joking about amputation, after having actually amputated part of the bone in that very toe!  At the time it seemed completely outlandish, but now that the surgery is done and I’m walking (not limping!)  down the road to recovery, I can’t help but feel a bit bad for my poor, sad little baby toe.  Heal soon, little toe, so we can go back to this soon…

…if you could be all better by next week that would be fantastic.  Thank you very much.


The rest of my body

(Yes, I just addressed my baby toe, pleaded with it, and signed off “from the rest of my body”…I realize how weird I am.  And I think I’m okay with it.)

smooth criminal

Just a little update on the workout/cleanse the roommie and I started Tuesday…

Today my roommate/partner in crime/workout buddy traveled to the Cape (lucky duck!) to sit some babies, and I surprised myself by continuing the workout regime all by my little old self.  This may seem like a small act of simple self-control…but let me just say, people, I am SORE.  Not your average sore, either, but 3rd-day-into-new-fitness-routine-after-several-months-of-increased-couchtime, fiery pain in my back, arms required to stand up from any position because my legs are like jelly, S-O-R-E.  But like they say, it’s good to feel the burn…no pain no gain…sweat is fat crying…you know the schpeal.

Anyone else trying to get in better shape?  I raise my homemade, delicious and nutritious, post-workout protein smoothie to you, cheers!  Oh and here are some pictures that might help you along (I know they’re kicking me in the buns!)…

P.S. Dang, Miley has a nice body, huh?!  I hate this phrase but- prime thinspiration!

Have a great, healthy Thursday, chickens!

sexy and he knows it

Have you heard of Noah Guthrie?  He’s an 18-year-old singer/songwriter from North Carolina, whose YouTube cover of LMFAO’s Sexy and I Know It went from 0-200,000 hits over night.  The hit count currently sits at 10,254,964 and I think it’s obvious why.  He brings a soulful, Elvis-esque (but with more range) tone to this club song, which by the way, I was NEVER a fan of until now.  Three cheers for awesome acoustic cover arrangements, and talented young people who can actually sing!

feeling the burn

Everyone knows a work out buddy makes sticking to a new fitness routine easier (not to mention more fun!).  Yesterday, the roommie and I embarked on a 10-day workout/cleanse, and booooy am I feeling the effects today.  Let’s just say 20 minutes of “Insanity” followed by a 7-minute P90X ab workout after being practically immobile for 3 weeks HURTS.  But you know what they say- the first 3 days of any new fitness/dieting regime are the toughest!  So I’m currently scouring Pinterest and Tumblr for more workouts and I’m determined to stick to it.  This is going to require a lot of motivation..thank goodness for workout buddies!


Okay, it’s time for me to stop skirting around the issue……       (ha. ha.)…I used to dash away any possibility of my maxi-skirt-ability.  UNTIL NOW.  I have recently become  obsessed with the idea of sporting one of these floor length babies.  It’s the perfect outfit component for a breezier summer day, and so easy to adjust for night!  And what I love about the maxi skirt is it’s all about how you style it.  Now onto the photo inspiration…

{blush colored}
{bright + tight}{red + tapered}

What do you think of the maxi skirt trend?  How would you wear it?

a girl’s weekend

This past weekend in york beach, maine could not have been any better.  It was a girls-only retreat, and we certainly made the most of it; There was unbridled girl talk, swapping of secrets, fruity frozen cocktails, incessant fifty shades of grey reading and discussion (any fellow christian grey-obsessors out there?!), acting like crazy fools, and an unhealthy perfectly normal amount of beach time (even though I had to wear a sock on one foot to protect the wound).  We came back yesterday afternoon (after driving through what felt like world’s worst thunder storm- scary!), and I’m already missing the rich, woody interior of our home and the sound of waves lulling me to sleep at night and whispering their salutation in the morning.

ahh, the internal restoration found through a weekend by the shore cannot be matched.  now to begin using the mind-makeover to influence the physical one…

[all photos via my instagram- follow me @ keeksevans]